wellness (and walking)

working in a creative environment it is always interesting to me where we get our ideas and inspiration from, in the past I would have said it was magazines, then Pinterest and Instagram, however, most recently i have found my inspiration from a different place.

in amongst the uncertainty of the past year there have been pockets of time to allow us to pause and reflect on some of our habits, and I think many of us have used this space to try and form new ones that serve us better.

for me that has been getting comfortable with silence, i found this really hard. i was so used to surrounding myself with distractions; the tv on whilst addressing emails, the background chat of the studio, or mindlessly scrolling whilst talking to my family.

i also think that at times my own thoughts were perhaps too complicated to unpick and so by keeping an ongoing distraction i was able to avoid some things that were maybe a little uncomfortable for me.

and so i tried to change this.

i did this by consciously giving myself pockets of time to just be with myself and allow my true thoughts to come. we have all walked more this past year, and i have tried to choose my feet over my car as much as possible.

this has taken me to roads i have never walked along, to casual conversations with postmen and neighbours each of which have lifted me and given me back a lost connection with my community. most of all the time i spend walking has allowed me to solve problems, some of which I didn’t even know i had when i left home, but have somehow understood on my journey.

my silent walks have given me back the space to think about so many important things, what my children need from me, what exciting opportunity’s i have with the store, what goals and dreams i might want for myself.

having a new understanding of how valuable it is to make and protect time for ourselves was the inspiration for putting together our wellness range. we all have a lot of demands on our time and it's so important we top ourselves up with some self-care each week, to make space to check in with our thoughts and to care for ourselves is something we should all do without guilt.

so whether it’s a hot bath, a book in the garden, or 20 minutes of relaxation with a candle, our wellness range is a really lovely collection of products, each chosen with care because i felt they were a way of treating ourselves with kindness.


the wn store


the story of wn store